Gold - this is game currency in the World of Warcraft Classic. For Gold, you can buy absolutely everything on the market, as well as when exchanging with players. You can view the current balance of adena on your account by opening Inventory in the menu.
DeliveryAttention! Before you buy goods for the game World of Warcraft Classic, check the availability from at operator!
- Delivery in-game mail. Goods are sent via in-game mail, the nickname that was specified when buying. The client will only need to pick up the purchase from the mail.
- Delivery in person. We can deliver the goods in person at the agreed place. To do this, before buying, check with the operator the possibility of implementing this method at the moment and the place of the operation.
- Delivery through the auction. The client exposes some unnecessary things for an inflated price (the amount he purchased) and we redeem the lot. Attention! Commission for the current method at the expense of the buyer.
World of Warcraft Classic — is a server option for the MMORPG World of Warcraft. Running alongside the main version of the game, Classic recreates the game in the state it was in before the release of the first expansion, The Burning Crusade. It was announced at BlizzCon 2017 and was released globally and simultaneously at 3pm PDT on August 26, 2019. Classic recreates the game in the state it was in after patch 1.12.1, c. September 2006, before the launch of The Burning Crusade expansion.
Attention: in some user agreements sale and purchase of game currency is prohibited. In case of non-observance of these points agreements of certain games - it is possible to entail sanctions, ranging from confiscation, sold or purchased by you in-game currency up to the blocking of the game account. We do everything in our power to avoid the problems of buyers with the administration of games, where we we sell or buy in-game currency. In any case, the service does not bear any responsibility for the consequences and penalties imposed in connection with violations of rules and points EULA games with which we work.